My poem End-Times Tables was recently published in issue 40.1 of Star*Line. This is the poem I mentioned working on in this post, and I think it’s a pretty fun poem, although my judgement may be skewed on that front – I showed it to my shoggoth (etymology: significant other via sig/oth) and got a “Leaning into that old-school Russian fatalism, I see?” What’s the point of stoicly facing certain doom if you’re not going to be cheerful about it, is what I say.

You can buy the issue here, or like my facebook page for a sneak peak at my poem!

2 thoughts on “

  1. PL says:


    I am a reader of Lovecraft’s work but you showed me a revelation. According to you the etymology of “shoggoth” is sig/oth?
    This creature is exposed in the short novel “At the mountain of Madness”. This author studied various langages in his lifetime.(latin, old english. Nyarlathotep comes from ancien egyptian writing system). But I did not undestood your explanation, “significant over” ? Is that the meaning of shoggoth ?

    Sincerely yours,

    • tenser says:

      It’s not a real etymology – it’s just a linguistic coincidence that sig. oth. (short for significant other, which means primary romantic partner) happens to sound similar to shoggoth. It’s a bit of an affectionate joke!

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